Cheese Curds Gourmet
en Burger- p atrons c an t ry s omething n ew
while knowing they're receiving the highest
quality ingredients and preparation. In addi-
tion to their varied roster of burgers, Cheese
tines that can't be beat, includ-
ing a Maritime favorite; the
Donair P outine w ith House
Spiced Meat.
"Ah uge proponent to o ur
success has also been the out-
standing p roduct a nd r epu-
tation we have built over the
past three years,"Pratt says. "All you need to
do is try us and you’ll understand why we're
so popular. With that said however, we still
need t o constantly b e doing something to
market ourselves to our followers and being
creative and bringing new ideas to our cus-
tomers to always keep it fresh."
As for the future of Cheese Curds Gourmet
Burgers + Poutinerie, Pratt says the focus is
on controlled g rowth and the addition o f
new franchises in 2015. Opting for an a p-
proach which emphasizes quality over quan-
attention and support for fran-
chisees. "We’dmuch rather take a
conservative a pproach a nd g row
our company with realistic targets
while e nsuring that o ur f ranchi-
sees are successful," says Pratt. " I’d
rather have 20 stores that are suc-
cessful than 100 t hat are mediocre. At t he
end of the day, we're in business to make sure
our franchisees are successful and have spent
"If they’re successful t hen we're successful,"
says Pratt.