Corner Brook - page 8

8 | Corner Brook
company, an art gallery, a physiotherapy
clinic, a tattoo parlour, a and a photogra-
phy business.
Navigate is a natural fit for Grenfell.
It’s about building the community, sup-
porting local economy and helping resi-
dents to flourish, which aligns with Me-
morial University’s guiding principles.
As the province’s only university, they
have a commitment and obligation to the
success of the Newfoundland and Labra-
dor. It’s part of public engagement. Public
engagement is collaboration between the
public and Memorial that furthers Me-
morial’s mission. It’s collaboration that
draws on the knowledge and resources of
everyone involved. It’s collaboration that
involves mutual respect, mutual contri-
butions and mutual benefits for all partici-
Memorial is a public institution ded-
icated to serving the public good and
strengthening their community. By en-
couraging and supporting publicly en-
gaged work, Memorial is fulfilling its
special obligation to the people of New-
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