Corner Brook - page 7

Corner Brook | 7
publicly reviewed by the USGBC's al-
most-20,000 member organizations.
Another key partner to the City, look-
ing past the eco side of Sustainability, is
Sir Wilfred Grenfell College. The cam-
pus is nestled away on the scenic west
coast of
the island. They are part of the Memo-
rial University family. Their program-
ming is exceptional, the student popula-
tion eclectic and their faculty and staff are
Since 2004, the Navigate Entrepre-
neurship Centre has been working with
new and potential entrepreneurs in the pre
start-up phase of business development,
helping them to connect with the resourc-
es, programs and agencies they need.
It exists as a partnership between Gren-
fell Campus and the College of the North
Atlantic. It exists as a resource for stu-
dents, alumni and the greater community
to grow entrepreneurship in the western
Over the past eight years the Navigate
Entrepreneurship Centre has played an in-
tegral role in the creation of 41 businesses
in the region. Sean St. George, program
manager with the Navigate Entrepreneur-
ship Centre, noted “Navigate offers busi-
ness information, direction and support to
clients. Their knowledge and support en-
ables the entrepreneurs to make informed
decisions that strengthen their business
planning and operational performance.”
The businesses which have found suc-
cess through Navigate are diverse and
include an award-winning band, a su-
shi restaurant, a whisky bar, a real estate
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