Corner Brook - page 3

Corner Brook | 3
long the west coast of New-
foundland lies the community
of Corner Brook. Originally
four unique comminutes; Townsite (the
center of the city now, originally the hub
for the paper and pulp industry and the
subsequent employees), Curling (with its
fishery), Corner Brook East (the railway
and industrial operations), and Corner
Brook West (who’s retail evened out the
other industry hubs). While it was 58
years ago that these communities joined
together to create the city, it was certain-
ly not the last time different local groups
would join together for one goal.
Being one of the first communities in
Atlantic Canada to embrace sustainability
in all its forms, the City of Corner Brook
makes a commitment on their website for
a community to not only embrace best
practices of other top Canadian cities sus-
tainability efforts, but to strive and excel
with the help of four equally as important
groups coming together; public, private,
government, and the populous.
The city has made several moves al-
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