Corner Brook - page 4

4 | Corner Brook
ready with its focus on new sustainable
measures, one of which is the Public Tran-
sit Systems extended hours, developed to
encourage more riders thus reducing the
footprint of the city. Added benefits to
the overhaul on transit is the progress in
e-upgrades which include real time transit
info available on smart phones and com-
puters, as well as use of google maps with
the transit system. While the foresight of
these technology upgrades prepare for a
community on the rise, the usability and
systems themselves, easily rival the TTC
in Toronto or the STM in Montreal.
For outside partnerships, the City
joined the Partners for Climate Protec-
tion (PCP) in 2006, which showcases a
guide for municipal governments in re-
ducing greenhouse gas emissions. Quar-
terbacked by the FCM (Federation of Ca-
nadian Municipalities), the PCP program
is a network of Canadian municipal gov-
ernments that have committed to reduc-
ing greenhouse gas emissions and acting
on climate change.
The milestone framework for this is to
create a greenhouse gas emissions inven-
tory and forecast, setting an emissions re-
duction target, develop a local action plan,
implementing the local action plan (or a
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