Island Energy has been a lead-
er in Victoria’s heating, air con-
ditioning, and ventilation sec-
tor for over 30 years. In that
time, the company has grown
steadily in size and reputation.
Today, they are recognized in
both the residential and com-
mercial markets for their top
quality products, top quality
service, and for standing be-
hind their work. They have
become a trusted name in the
industry, known for delivering
energy systems that are sus-
tainable, efficient, and depend-
“We’ve built our livelihood on
being the best in the industry,”
says Rob Barry, President. “We
care, we listen, and we find the
best solution for the client’s de-
sires and budget.”
Rob has been installing solar
heating systems since 1979,
and is considered one of Van-
couver Island’s foremost ex-
perts on solar heating tech-
nology. He has taught solar
application courses at Ca-
mosun College and has acted
as an instructor for Canadian
Solar Industries Association
(CanSIA) certification.
After forming Island Energy
in 1986, Rob recognized oth-
er opportunities in the energy
efficiency and energy conser-
vation sectors beyond solar
heating, and he expanded his
service offering to capitalize
on them. The company now
installs and maintains a wide
range of integrated energy sys-
tems, and employs a profes-
sionally trained in-house staff
of gas-fitters, hot water and re-
frigeration technicians, as well
as sheet metal mechanics.
In recent years, Island energy’s
“We’ve built our
livelihood on
being the best in
the industry.”