Business World |
May 2015
do medial labor as well as put on their fancy
clothes to go and sell sponsorship. We’re very
fortunate to have a great crew.”
Having a young core crew at hand who is
technologically savvy and up-to-date with
the latest trends in social media definitely
helps their marketing efforts. At 64, Bragan
Jr. reminisces about how times have changed
for the club in that perspective.
“I polled the staff and asked them who still
has the newspaper put on their driveways in
the mornings and only me and the 60 year
old bookkeeper raised our hands, none of
the young ones get the paper anymore,” he
said. “I used to think we had to have an ad
in the paper on game night,” Bragan Jr. con-
tinued. “We don’t do that so much anymore.
That’s part of the social media phenomenon
– these young kids don’t look at the newspa-
per, so they just go to Twitter and Facebook
and find the same information.”
At a time when analytics and information
are hot commodities in a sports-crazed and
stats-crazed landscape such as Florida, the
thirst for knowledge will attract a new hoard
of fans looking to get up close and personal
with the action. “Social media wise, what it