Business World |
March 2015
contributions of hard working and ambi-
tious people,” she said. “Bee-Clean is part
of a large national organization, but never
too large to value the impact one person can
have on the success we share. At Bee-Clean
our people are our most valuable resource.”
“Bee-Clean has built this reputation over
the past 47+ years on a high ratio of long-
term employees,” she continued. “In order to
achieve our low turnover rate, we have cre-
ated innovative retention plans to keep our
best people and attract others interested in
becoming part of the Bee-Clean team.”
Nurturing employees’ talents has led the
company to receive numerous awards and
recognition for their commitment and dedi-
cation to sustainability and the environ-
ment. In 2011, Bee-Clean was honored for
its pioneering efforts, as they were named
the first Canadian company to win both the
ISSA Cleaning Industry Management Stan-
dard and the CIMS-Green Building from
the International Sanitary Supply Associa-
tion (ISSA). The honors have continued –
and multiplied since then – from their 2014