BWM - Jan 2015 - page 50

Business World |
January 2015
ents such as the U.S. Department of Defense,
as well as NASA. The project included the
construction of a 71,519 square-foot aircraft
parts manufacturing facility located in Hen-
derson, Nevada. Helix Electric, bringing
their expertise and dedication, ensured the
highest standard of work on the project. The
firm completed the switchgear, lighting, fire
alarm, raceways, cable tray for teledata, light-
ning protection, and parking lot lighting of
the Vadatech building.
In 2014, Helix Electric of Nevada, LLC was
awarded the ABC Excellence in Construc-
tion Award for their work on the Vadatech
headquarters, winning 1st Place for the Best
in Electrical Work on an Industrial Project
less than $2 million. The Excellence in Con-
struction Awards recognizes and celebrate
the most innovative and high quality con-
struction projects.
The Vadatech headquarters wasn’t the only
project which won the firm an award in
2014. Helix Electric also worked on Down-
town Container Park, an outdoor shopping,
dining and entertainment attraction located
in the heart of downtown Las Vegas. The
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