BWM - Nov 2014 - page 42

Business World |
November 2014
party room and an exercise area. “After 28
years of research and talking with our cus-
tomers and franchise owners, we really be-
lieve we understand the market and our cus-
tomers’ needs more than our competition,”
says Rob Krohn, Marketing Manager for the
According to Rini, the company has a very
close relationship with all of its franchise
owners, communicating with them often
and providing them with site visits, market
reports, best practices, an annual conference
focused on sales and construction and much
more. As a franchise owner, they are provid-
ed with the Epcon Business Blueprint, with
all of the related tools and resources required
to get started on building an Epcon commu-
Though franchise owners are expected
to evolve their business practices on their
own, Epcon has a support center that pro-
vides franchise owners with homebuilding
information, as well as the ability to talk
with various people in the company from the
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