BWM March 2014 - page 52

52 | Business World Magazine |
March 2014
To theorize without the support of data has
been called a capital mistake, and thank-
fully, when it comes to figures in (and figur-
ing-out) the franchising industry, the New
Hampshire-based firm of Franchise Business
Review (FBR) is not only helping poten-
tial investors and existing enterprises avoid
mistakes, but is also providing the data that
empowers all to make wiser decisions. As
the leading market research company in the
franchise industry, FBR assists prospective
buyers as well as respective corporate admin-
istrations through a unique, independent,
evaluation process that is exclusively based
on feedback from franchise owners.
President Michelle Rowan explains the
company emerged from a conundrum once
confronted by FBR’s founder, Eric Stites. A
little more than eight years ago, Stites served
in the marketing and development division
of another New Hampshire firm known as
Franchise Solutions. In this capacity, he was
often asked questions by those who were
considering making an investment in a fran-
chise. “People would ask him questions like,
‘Which one is the best to buy?’ He began to
Principals from East Coast Wings & Grill were distinguished among the
Top 50 companies who lead in Franchisee Satisfaction.
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