BWM March 2014 - page 47

March 2014
| Business World Magazine | 47
cy, a provider of professional, confidential
investigations and consulting services; and
Atlanta-based International Security Man-
agement Group Inc., a provider of security
and risk management services to companies
and corporations since 1990.
“We continue to look for strategic acqui-
sitions that fit within our footprint and help
bring scale, density or a new vertical market,
a new niche we’re either not large in or not
in at all,” Jones says. “There are always new
areas or different services to be explored. Re-
mote video monitoring is impacting things
in a game-changing way. We talk to our cus-
tomers and our teams and the overriding
questions always are, ‘does it bring value to
the customers and what’s the return?’
“We’ve listened to our customers. It’s
kind of simple, but also kind of amazing.
They’ll tell you where the industry is going.
The question then becomes, ‘do you capital-
ize, or do you think you know better?’”
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