yourmain contribution?
Our primary role is in
advocacy and our two missions are
advocacy for safety – safety legislation,
safety training and the second is for access.
Of course, access means that if there are
bans being proposed or undue restrictions
in the wind, we step up and present our side
of the story.
What are the
top-of-agenda issues these days? Is it
typically legislation by communities
limiting where they can use them, or noise
restrictions, or whatever? Is that the main
thing that you’re dealingwith these days?
Our largest issues today,
interestingly enough, have changed
emphasis. It has been, really over time, we
had dealt with state issues or local issues.
Today, our top-line concerns are access to
national parks. There are processes for each
of the parks, where every 10 years, they have
a review of their management plan and
several parks are in the midst of that right
now. Each of the ones that are in the midst
June-July 2014
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