oversee a departmental staff that swells to
around 50 in the summer with the
additional of temporary staff.
The department operates 10 road graders, a
nine-truck re-graveling fleet, patching
crews and a chip-sealing crew. Its main
function is snowplowing in the winter
before transitioning to roadmaintenance in
the summer from June through early
The rest of the time, Morrison said, the
ground is either too soft or too frozen for
Mountain View’s overall equipment roster
includes more than 140 pieces and the road
network is comprised of more than 2,800
kilometers,with 1,952 kilometers of gravel
roads, 823 kilometers of chip-seal roads and
36.8 kilometers of pavement roads. Other
tasks under the department’s auspices are
dust control, salting, sanding and culvert
34 | BusinessWorld |
July-August 2014
“Hopefully we can build bridges that take less
maintenance and will last longer, so that will bring
up the curve a little bit better into the