Jan 2014 - page 80

80 | Business World Magazine |
January 2014
Already an employer of approximately
5,600 across the United States and Cana-
da, Evans says AmeriPride boosted head-
count among its team of sales reps by one-
third within the past year and has adjusted
its financial forecasts going forward to re-
flect the desire to continue growing.
What it means fiscally, he says, is that
the company will be more focused on
mergers and acquisitions and the sort of
organic growth that guarantees long-term
AmeriPride already holds the largest
market share among its competitors in
Canada and has established a presence
across the entire country from its east to
west coasts. The Canadian market is vi-
tally important and the company has no
plans to cede its position there, Evans
says. In addition, adding to the footprint
in the United States is something the lead-
ership agrees is a near-term priority item.
“It’s important to protect our leader-
ship position and we’re always looking
at acquisition candidates to maintain our
status as the biggest player in Canada,” he
says. “Look at our service map and you’ll
see we have fairly widespread coverage
in Canada. Our footprint in the U.S. is
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