February 2014
| Business World Magazine | 135
This May, North Carolina’s dual-destination of Winston-Salemwill recognize a centennial prompting four days of parades
and civic celebrations honoring 100 years of history and achievement stemming from the cultural, social and municipal
fusion which followed the 1913 commingling of what had once existed as two distinct communities. Salem, whose name
derives from the Hebrewword for “peace” or “Shalom”, was initially founded as a settlement of followers from the Moravi-
an Church. Winston, named for RevolutionaryWar Hero JosephWinston, has long garnered recognition for its revolutions
in the tobacco industry. Collectively, Winston-Salem has secured more modern and meaningful distinction that includes
being recently ranked among “The Best Places to Retire” by both Forbes Magazine and CNN. It has also earned national
commendations as the most “Citizen-Engaged Community” (is one of only 16 so cited by the Public Technology Institute),
and for 11 years, the city annually captured acclaimas one of America’s most technologically-advanced according to The
Center for Digital Government. Yet, the allure here continues to draw strength from a certain rural charm encompassed
by hills, mountains and themost gorgeous expanses of green hardwoods ever to populate beneath the blue sky. Winston-
Salem’s technological and economical advancements have been achieved with equal attention to environmental stan-
dards, and with the coming centennial, sustainability practices prompt further celebration.