142 | Business World Magazine |
February 2014
with the aid of grants, more than 125 homes
benefitted from weatherization upgrades.
The work was carried out by several area con-
tracting firms, and in the case of one, Hardin
notes that it saw so much work it has since
determined to create a new company divi-
sion that specifically focuses on weatheriza-
tion services.
The city has also played a critical role in
creating two area organizations which are
driving further practices in sustainability.
Through the work of Keep Winston-Salem
Beautiful, area schools are becoming more
green-friendly. In addition to hosting vari-
ous workshops at schools, the organization
rates results achieved by each school and
honors best practices during an annual rec-
ognition ceremony. Another organization is
known as the Sustainability Resource Cen-
ter, an endeavor which has a broad commu-
nity outreach and is currently engaged in ef-
forts relating to the growth of bike paths and
community gardens.
Winston-Salem is currently reviewing
strategies to expand bike paths and grow
community gardens on abandoned lots in
urban areas, initiatives largely prompted by
resident advocacy. Greater shades of green
are also evidenced through the city’s annual
planting of several hundred new trees which
not only add to the beauty, but also play a
fundamental role in the sequestering of car-