August-September 2014 | BusinessWorld | 17
Who says reducing gadget-related clutter has
tomean sacrificing a device or two?
Sure l y not the folks at Appl ecore
International Inc., whose collection of
rubber spindle projects, AppleCores, allow
users to neatlywrap device cords and snap the
cable into a small built-in divot. The spindles
come in three sizes and run from $1.99 to
$4.99 – a small price to pay to restore sanity
to a cluttereddesktop.
The spindles come in eight colors to match
all manner of décor, and not only do they
neatly organize a workspace, but they trim
back the jungle of cords often present when
plucking multiple devices from a laptop bag.
The small size is designed specifically for
earbuds and thinner cables, the mediums are
usable for portable electronic devices and
small home appliances and the larges can
handle most household appl iances ,
specifically thosewith long or thick cables.
A combo pack including one spindle of each
size is available for $11.99, while a seven-
piece pack that includes three large, three
mediumandone small canbe had for $25.99.