BWM - August / September 2014 - page 11

IMF Staff Mission Indicates
Progress in Jamaica
August-September 2014 | BusinessWorld | 11
An International Monetary Fund mission
visited Jamaica in mid-August to conduct
discussions on the fifth review of Jamaica's
IMF- suppor ted prog ram under the
The mission met with the country's minister
of finance and planning, other financial
leaders and senior government officials, as
well as representatives of the private sector
and civil society.
Jan Kees Martijn, the IMF's mission chief for
Jamaica, saidprogress has beenmade.
“The program is on track,” he said.“Overall
policy implementation under the program
remains strong. All quantitative performance
targets, indicative targets and structural
benchmarks for end-June were met. The
f und mi s s i on reached pre l imina r y
understandings with the authorities on
economic policies, detailed in an updated
letter of intent that will support growth and
employment in themonths and years ahead.”
He said Jamaica's economy is improving, with
1.2 percent year-on-year growth in the
second quarter when compared toApril-June
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