BWM April 2014 - page 162

162 | Business World Magazine |
April 2014
43rd Street to an entire floor on 39th Street
where the layout is heavy on camaraderie-
boosting open space, light on collaboration-
squashing offices and doors, and festooned
throughout with high-end art pieces thanks
to a partnership with a nearby art gallery.
Between 15 and 20 people work out of
the midtown locale – in addition to five at
a warehouse in Hackensack, N.J. and a few
others remotely – and it’s a unique environ-
ment that Goldman said caters perfectly to
what’s being accomplished.
“Our open loft space is really cool, techie
and edgy,” he said. “Everyone sits together in
a bullpen and collaborates constantly back
and forth. It’s as if you’re at the stock ex-
change. There’s constant chatter about buy-
ing this, selling that and where things are be-
ing shipped to.
“The culture encourages us to have fun,
but when it comes down to it, each and ev-
ery employee really eats, breathes and lives
the business and the products. It’s a constant
buy-and-sell situation. Our staff really knows
and understands our products beyond a job;
they are very energetic and passionate about
what they do.”
Quantum is billed as a niche online re-
tailer, but its recipe for separation from the
competitive masses involves a fundamental
commitment to service both before and af-
ter the sale of products. Another Quantum-
run site,, which is scheduled
to launch in the summer of 2014, is a new
platform which focuses on providing an ad-
vanced virtual experience that engages each
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