BWM April 2014 - page 138

138 | Business World Magazine |
April 2014
es get left behind, but when we decided to
move forward we looked for partnerships –
with developers, with the provincial govern-
ment, with the school board – that would
help us get things done and allow us to share
Spence concedes there was some reluc-
tance on the part of some long-timeWarman
residents to buy in to the growth plan, espe-
cially since the status quo had been largely
unchanged for several generations. Popu-
lation only numbers in the low hundreds
through the 1950s, at which time local af-
fairs were addressed by a rural municipality.
Incorporation as a village came in the ear-
ly 1960s and a town five years later, before
city status was granted by Saskatchewan’s
provincial government in 2012.
“There are some who don’t care for it,
sure,” she said. “But once you open the door
to growth, you can’t shut it. If people want
things here, the only way to facilitate that is
buy tax dollars. Gradually, those same people
began to embrace the idea as they began real-
izing exactly what benefits that Warman was
buying into.”
Mayor Sheryl Spence
Brad Toth Planning and Development Manager
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