BWM April 2014 - page 12

12 | Business World Magazine |
April 2014
Assets under Management,
Compensation Highest since 2007
Results from Fidelity Investments’ seventh
Advisor Insights study found that while fi-
nancial advisors are seeing the highest assets
under management and compensation levels
since 2007, many seem to be falling behind
when it comes to positioning themselves for
future success. The research also uncovered
three key strategies of “High-Performing Ad-
visors”— individual advisors with an above
average percentage of their clients’ investable
assets, growing assets under management and
high career satisfaction.
According to the study, 95 percent of
advisors grew their books of business in the
last 12 months, and with average assets un-
der management at $62 million and average
compensation at $240,000, advisors seem to
be enjoying near-term success.
However, the study found two-thirds did
not have a multi-year plan in place, and nearly
half did not set formal career goals for them-
selves. Forty-three percent did not feel it is
important to evolve their practice to meet the
needs of younger investors. Two-thirds said
they believe they stand out from the competi-
tion by giving clients personal attention.
“Business has been good for advisors,
but it’s important they don’t put off what’s
needed to ensure the future looks just as at-
tractive,” said Brian Nelson, vice president of
practice management for National Financial,
a division of Fidelity Investments. “There are
steps advisors can take today to help position
themselves well for tomorrow and ultimately
contribute to a high-performing firm, one
that is profitable, productive and growing.”
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