November 2013
| Business World Magazine | 111
30% reduction in energy usage, and reliance
on environmentally-friendly wash chemical
that are anti-pollutant. Hernandez says the
technology and engineered systems used by
ATMhave resulted not only in the conserva-
tion of water and energy, but savings in oper-
ating costs which allows the company to bet-
ter contain service fees for customers. “For
customers, these measures have helped to
demonstrate that we are not only economi-
cally prudent, but it helps provide themwith
greater assurance that they’re sourcing ser-
vices from a company that is environmen-
tally responsible,” says Hernandez.
As for the future, Hernandez says ATM
continues to strive for excellence in its op-
erations and interactions with customers
throughout Southern California. While the
company recently opened a new plant to ac-
commodate its growing customer base, he
says ATM has no plans for moving outside
of the market. Hernandez says all at ATM,
along with its divisions of Medico Profes-
sional Linen Service and Republic Master
Chefs, takes great pride in being a Califor-
nia company that serves other California
companies. By focusing on quality in its cus-
tomer service and operational capacity, and
by advancing in standards that reflect best
practices in environmental stewardship and
professional accreditation, ATMC is posi-
tioned to further expand upon its legacy as a
leader in linen supply and services through-
out California.