Aug/Sep 2013
| Business World Magazine | 53
says new forms of collaboration are the key,
and it is in this capacity the US BCSD per-
forms a key role.
Some successful techniques they employ
include developing consensus programs and
systems games that increase understanding
of complex challenges ahead. They produce
pilot projects leading to scaling-up solu-
tions, cross-industry optimization strategies,
triple-bottom-line metrics for heightened
awareness and advocate creation of on-line
marketplaces. They are engaged in a variety
of activities, but these efforts are compart-
mentalized into four primary focus areas –
ecosystems, energy, materials and water. This
compartmentalization directly corresponds
to members’ sustainability goals, industry
drivers, societal interests and environmental
limate Change Todd Stern, Assistant Secretary for Oceans and International Environmental and
rgovernmental Affairs Reta Jo Lewis (Department of State, May 10, 2011)