April 2013 - page 244

244 | Business World Magazine |
April 2013
way of getting around, and this is affordable,
but also very important to their life. With
those on the train, they ride it by choice be-
cause it is fast, spacious enough for them to
do work while riding and convenient, but it
is also expensive,” explains Falkin.
So, the trick is to get “train-like” per-
formance from the bus in such a way that
choice riders will want to use it as enthusi-
astically as those who really depend on it. To
accomplish that, the bus will operate as an
express or rapid transport, stopping only at
major stops as opposed to every bus stop to
allow for faster commuting. Secondly, pas-
sengers won’t have to pay fare as they get on
the bus, but rather pay at the platform to bet-
ter facilitate faster boarding. Passengers will
also benefit from processes that allow for sig-
nal prioritization or what is known as “Cue-
Jumping.” Basically, this means that the bus
will communicate with traffic lights to get a
faster green light for go signal and also have
opportunities to bypass traffic congestion by
accessing specialized lanes. “If you’re riding
the bus, you’ll be able to get where you need
to go faster than driving your own car,” says
At present, 20 percent of Cincinnati
residents do not have access to cars. Falkin
says the new system will provide greater con-
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