April 2013 - page 237

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 237
Larry Falkin, the Director of Cincinnati’s
Office of Environmental Quality, says to tru-
ly talk sustainability, one must understand
that it is “a place-based discussion.” He says
local issues, the local facts on the ground,
dictate that sustainability never means the
same thing or works the same way from one
place to the next. And when it comes to sus-
tainability strategies in Cincinnati, Falkin
says it is a community that is almost cursed
by its blessings. To put that in context, in
many cases, a city’s move to greater sustain-
ability practices may be prompted by critical
Solar panels on the City’s Beekman Garage - made possible through the City’s Solar Power Purchase
Agreement with The Sun Team (Solar Power and Light, Dovetail Solar and Wind and Tremco Roofing)
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