April 2013 - page 218

218 | Business World Magazine |
April 2013
she employed to retrofit her home.
“A lot of times people don’t honestly
know what they can do to save energy,” Had-
den says. “Typically they can do things like
change their lighting, their air conditioning
systems – especially in Texas because it’s so
hot here – and improve insulation. These
kinds of things can make a huge, huge differ-
The association also invited the media
to visit Hadden’s home, which is equipped
with solar panels to run her appliances and
her electric car. “If we’re running air condi-
tioning, we would use additional electricity,”
Hadden explains. “But other than that, it can
power our whole house.”
At SEED, their goal is to helpmembers
set up similarly efficient living spaces. “We
help people figure out how to make changes
and we help utilities go about setting up pro-
grams,” Hadden says.
In addition to offering education, SEED Co-
alition tracks relevant policy-making, leg-
islative processes and informs the public of
opportunities to voice their opinions. Their
major areas of focus include the environment,
Karen Hadden
Flipping the switch at the opening ceremony for Austin Energ
berville Solar Project. Austin Energy GM Larry Weis
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