Page 148 - BWM Oct 2012

| Business World Magazine |
October 2012
a higher level of care to their clients and to
their families. They also have a strong hiring,
training and retention system in place that
gives aide to their caregivers, resulting in a
low-turnover rate compared the industry
FirstLight already has 53 owners operating
in 65 markets across 22 states.
The corporate culture at FirstLight is
positive and strong. They use a third-party
survey company, Franchise Business Re-
view, to measure annual franchisee satisfac-
tion. “We’re very proud of the fact we’re the
youngest franchise system ever to be sur-
veyed,” Bevis says.
They started implementing the survey
at the end of their second year in business.
Most franchise systems don’t survey fran-
chisee satisfaction within the first three to
five years, Bevis says. “We wanted to survey
the owners and see if we were as good as we
thought we were,” he says.
As it turns out, they were much better