Page 149 - BWM Oct 2012

October 2012
| Business World Magazine | 149
than they thought. “The results came back
and we were ranked 22nd out of 550 fran-
chisors that were surveyed. That put us in a
best of class,” he adds. “Our franchise own-
ers’ communication, trust, confidence and
satisfaction is very high.”
With more than 80 years of collective senior
care experience and innovative approaches,
FirstLight’s growing franchise offers an af-
fordable buy-in, at less than $100,000, mak-
ing them an emerging leader in a rapidly
expanding industry. They’ve done this by
managing their overhead structure and oper-
ating costs at a reasonable level. “When peo-
ple look at our team and look at FirstLight
Home Care, we bring a lot of experience,
knowledge and a successful track record they
can use to their advantage,” he says.
The brand’s focus on quality, care and
finding the right caregivers enables them to
deliver a level of service that is unmatched.
It’s a matter of combining business oppor-
tunity in non-medical care with the aging