March 2015
| Business World
heritage studies, such as: historic and pre-
contact archaeology, project management,
Geographic Information Systems (GIS),
Near-Surface Geophysics (NSG), geo-ar-
chaeology, community engagement, predic-
tive modeling, archival research, oral history,
land claims and traditional land use, artifact
cataloguing and analysis, specialized soft-
ware development, computer graphics and
desktop publishing, public education and
With a talented staff, Western Heritage is
well-equipped to take on projects of all sizes.
"Our projects are tremendously varied in
scope and size," he says. "Some of them are
simple, one person desktop studies that may
take a day or two, other projects are multi-
year and they require a number of individu-
"For instance," Terrance continues. "When
we did work in Thunder Bay on a major
highway rerouting project, we worked there
for three years and our average staffing lev-
els on that project varied between 35 and 50
people; plus 10 or 15 working in the lab."
Along with short-term and long-term proj-
ects, Western Heritage also handles a num-
ber of clients who require annual service.