Business World |
March 2015
"In 1994, the Saskatchewan Research Coun-
cil was looking for groups that might be can-
didates to be privatized," Terrance continues.
"We were the first candidate to come up and
they worked at privatizing us, and we became
Western Heritage Services Inc."
"We were originally based in Saskatchewan,"
he explains. "But we also started doing work
in other provinces; Manitoba and Alberta in
particular. In 1999, I actually moved to Al-
berta. I moved there and I opened up the St.
Albert office, originally out of my home, and
then I expanded into the Northern Alberta
business incubator before moving to a full
With offices established in Calgary, Winni-
peg, Thunder Bay, and at one point Prince
George, Western Heritage have diversely
spread themselves across western Canada.
Each office is equipped with leaders who
have a solid understanding of their work
area, and as a result, their service is highly at-
tentive and personalized to each client.
"We like to establish people who know their
region on the ground and have an established
footprint there," Terrance says. "We can ser-
vice any of our clients directly with personal
Their staff are well-versed in all aspects of