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Refuel Systems
United States, the implementations would
have a profound effect on the sulfur con-
centration of fuel and its impact on engines
and how they operated. One of those effects
would be that the fuel being used was greatly
diminishing and becoming less stable - a far
cry from the way things were 25 years before
when you could store diesel fuel inside of a
tank for more than a year without any issues.
Now, due to the de-sulpherized fuels, storage
is between 6 and 12 months. As mechanical
contractors and builders of fuel system infra-
structures – from hospitals and data centers
to government institutions, Modern Niag-
ara connected the dots and created Refuel
Systems. “We saw a synergy there with what
the industry was facing,” Curtis said. “We
build the tank arms and the pumps and the
controls to actually build these power plants.
If there was a single point of failure within
these institutions, then we wanted to address
As the industry on the compliance side be-
gan to play catch up, the technology came
at a different point. Unimpressed with the