March 2015
| Business World
lington are facing new construction,” he con-
tinued, “we get involved on the development
side and help guide through the process. We
evaluate the location they’re interested in
and give as much information as possible so
they can arrive at a decision.”
As 2016 approaches, so too does the 140th
anniversary of Arlington’s founding. With
such a long history, it’s only natural that the
city now faces the task of redeveloping some
of its neighborhoods.
“Arlington is almost 100 square miles and
we’ve been referred to as a redevelopment
city,” Payne said. “When new development
comes in, it’s on previously developed sites.
We will work with the developer to help
them with necessary land assembly, demoli-
tion, and other permitting processes to in-
clude incentives to take out the old and put
in the new.”
“It’s a very involved process,” he adds. “That
[redevelopment] situation is at every turn in
our downtown area, there is a building wher-
ever you look. If somebody wants to come
in with a new development downtown, it’s
going to require acquiring an older building,
demolishing it, redesigning it to something