Business World |
June 2015
something that is from an electronics stand-
point. We have to be creative in finding the
right fit for customers so that those types of
things are well-protected, while they’re still
being handled with forklifts or conveyor
“The packaging is the fun part of it – it really
tests your creativity.”
Providing integrated global freight forward-
ing, Pak Mail has increased its volume, hav-
ing improved the pricing for their custom-
ers as well as their overall shipment service.
A good problem to have – offering the dis-
counts has led to new carriers becoming anx-
ious to join the queue and get on board Pak
Mail’s ascension thanks to the volumes that
the company creates and sends out.
“From a freight standpoint, it’s yet another
challenge of letting our customers know that
we do that,” Zai said. “Our challenge is get-
ting our customers to know that If you’ve got
a 20,000lb molding machine that you need
to get from end of the country to the other
or one side of the world to the other, we have
Seth Sinclair, Jeri Berry and Kevin Green
Rachel Lohrman