Business World |
July 2015
in the area – they’re part of the community.
Inspired by the historic Royal Oak trees on
King George Boulevard, Elgin Oaks is a 14
single family and 16 townhome develop-
ment in South Surrey. Beaming with style,
sensibility, designer hardwood floors and
solid quartz counter tops make it inviting
and irresistible.
But for all the things you do see, it was the
behind-the-scenes features that get the most
attention and praise.
“Elgin Oaks was a project we finished a year
and a half ago,” Dosanjh said. “It was a great
project, we had a single family development
and a multi-family development behind it,
and it did quite well. We were really environ-
mentally and green aggressive with our ini-
tiatives. We had geothermal in all the homes,
they sold out pretty fast.”
“We were recognized by BC Hydro for the
geothermal heating and the green initiatives
we took as far as energy savings,” he con-
tinued. “There was an article done by BC
Hydro as well. We featured in Home and
Style Magazine for best kitchens.”