Business World |
July 2015
It’s been a slow but steady expansion for Bonney Construction. Family owned and oper-
ated for over 40 years, Bonney has helped raise the profile of their rural New Brunswick
community by lending a helping hand, growing organically and remaining a reliable
builder driven by tradition, honesty and hard work.
Building and selling houses has been a life
long journey for owner of Bonney Construc-
tion, William Bonney. It started in 1974
with Bonney running a lean one-man opera-
tion, building one house, selling it and then
building another. Business was booming in
the construction industry during the mid
70s. So much so, that Bonney began adding
more human capital to the mix, bringing on
more men in 1975 and sticking with new
residential construction. But this was just
the beginning of a legacy that would stretch