July 2015
| Business World
“The patients want someone in the healthcare
system to care about them,” he said. “It takes
10.9 minutes for a nurse getting called, check-
ing the record and giving a single pill to the
patient. When a nurse has five or six patients,
that nurse spends over a third of their shift be-
ing a pill delivery person.”
“When they deliver that pill, because it’s on
demand and disruptive to their schedule, they
don’t have time to spend with the patients,” he
continued. “They’re in and they’re out. When
a device can free up a third of a nurse’s shift,
they regain time and are now able to spend
it with the patient and focus more on patient
centered care.”
With Buffington taking care of the team-
building and money raising aspect of the
company, it was Conley’s first-
hand experience and observa-
tions working in hospitals that
helped her realize dire changes
were necessary in a variety of
different ways.
“In terms of technology, pa-
tient care by the bedside in
acute care hospitals has not
changed much in the last 25
years,” she said. “Patients get admitted into
the facility, and are given some sort of device
to contact nursing staff. But they don’t have a
lot of power over their care.”
“The MOD® device is the epitome of patient-
centered care because it puts the patient in
charge,” Conley continued. “Spending as
much time as I did in hospitals with my pa-
tients and seeing the antiquated and ineffec-
tive processes in bedside care led me to devel-
op the MOD device and Avancen. Our data
with our MOD system shows that when you
give the patient more autonomy, they do bet-
A wireless patient-controlled oral pain man-
agement system, the MOD provides hospi-