JiT24.7, a third-party logistics function that
works with major corporate accounts like
L’Oreal, JohnDeere andHarley-Davidson.
Being around such significant players, it
seems, can provide improvement by
“If you have certain core customers that
push you or ask you to do things that really
take you out of your comfort zone, I truly
believe it makes us a better company,”
Dobak said.“You can’t just do it for three
customers and then operate the rest of your
west and east of that base.
A typical customer, Dobak said, is a small to
mid-sized business with a single shipping
location that’s sending and receiving both
small-pack/courier shipments and the
traditional freight typically handled by an
entity like UPS or FedEx, along with less-
than-truckload shipments.
In fact, the company is actually comprised
of three distinct divisions –DicomExpress,
which handles small-pack/courier needs;
GoJiT, which is the LTL-centric entity; and