of the right people.
Toward that end, Dobak said Dicom will
continue an initiative that’s seen it reach out
across all industries to recruit the best of the
best to augment its existing leadership
“It’s just critical to the overall growth plan
that we have people who have the skill sets
to take a company that looks to grow
aggressively,” he said. “Any company who’s
attempting to grow and doesn’t have the top
level of talent – or the A players in the
industry – are really going to impede their
ability to go out and grow in the
marketplace. But if you have the very top
talent, I truly believe that your opportunity
tomeet and exceed your goals is unlimited.”
Dobak arrived when Dicom – which was
founded by Peter Overing in 1974 – was
acquired by Wind Point Partners, a
Chicago-based private equity investment
firm that partners with top-caliber CEOs
to acquire middle-market businesses where
it “can establish a clear path to value
Dicom GoJIT
| BusinessWorld-
Magazine | 2