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and claims submission with Medicare, Med-
icaid and a majority of Private Insurance car-
riers. Trans-Care also offers an emergency
ambulance transport subscription service
named Secure Care. By subscribing to Se-
cure Care, patients can eliminate charges for
medically necessary emergency transporta-
tion that is not covered by their insurance
Years ago, Trans-Care embraced meth-
odologies suggested by Health and Human
Services who created compliance protocols
outlined in what is called The Ambulance
Compliance guide. Ward explains that re-
forms coming from The Affordable Care
Act make these guidelines mandatory as
opposed to suggestive. Fortunately, Trans-
Care was well ahead of the curve, as it has
been in training, compliance with human
resources regulations, and practices involv-
ing Medicaid/Medicare billing. Ward says a
critical component of Trans-Care’s compe-
tency is the incorporation of state-of-the-art
technology. Trans-Care is also ahead of the
curve in technology. Beyond the technol-
ogy that tracks and monitors every aspect of
ambulance operation (from its location to
rate of movement), the company deployed
electronic charting systems more than three
years ago. It also has deployed virtual server
technology systems almost six years ago that
enable a single server to transform into mul-
tiple virtual servers, for efficient data backup
and retrieval, exporting of data involving
patient information, care received, service
accounting, etc. Ward says Trans-Care uses
technology as a momentum tool to achieve
greater efficiency, accuracy and access to in-
formation, which ultimately benefits the
company as well as the customers it serves.