4 | Trans Care
ing or automotive maintenance. Between its
team of experienced industry veterans and
its vast range of resources in state-of-the-art
technology, Trans-Care can capably address
the urgencies compelled by major medical
emergencies as well as more mundane needs
in non-emergency transportation.
Chief Compliance Officer Faril Ward has
worked at Trans-Care for a little more than
12 years, and as such, he may be the State of
Indiana’s one-and-only ambulance service-
affiliated executive specifically tasked with
duties solely designed to ensure compliance
to standards. Ward says his industry isn’t one
that can accommodate mistakes; mistakes
are detrimental to business, but more im-
portantly, can jeopardize lives. Trans-Care
has invested considerable time, energy and
capital expenditure to acquire the person-
nel, conduct the training and implement
the range of material resources to maintain
a state of constant readiness and a rapid-re-
sponse approach that aligns with a company
philosophy to make no-compromises in the
providing of professionally reliable and qual-
ified service to others.
“We have a vision that’s a little different
than a lot of other companies,” says Ward.