Christian Homes - page 9

Christian Homes | 9
employees as “the most important resource”
of the organization, involving supporters/
sponsors with their ministry, and attaching
great significance to the subject of steward-
These values permeate throughout every
operational process of ChristianHomes, and
make no mistake, these mandates are not
so indicative of a methodology for profes-
sional functioning as they are the fulfilling
of a highly personal calling to serve, which
prompts a compassion and a commitment
quite unlike that ever to be encountered any-
where else. And these values are not some-
thing simply imparted on a piece of paper or
talked-about, they are being lived-out each
day by the staff, administration and volun-
teers of Christian Homes. What’s more, the
fulfilling of those values are constantly be-
ing monitored, measured and accounted for
during meetings of the board of directors as
well as meetings of advisory boards, and vari-
ous department staff sessions at each respec-
tive Christian Homes location.
AsPhillippe explains, the relianceonthese
core values creates benefits for residents and
employees alike. For employees, there is the
assurance of being treated respectfully and
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