Christian Homes - page 12

12 | Christian Homes
in which it exists. In Central Illinois, Chris-
tian Home’s Safe-Haven Hospice actually
serves resident throughout the entire region.
Otherwise, there are numerous activities,
events and programs that routinely prompt
interaction with parishioners of area church-
es or municipal residents and the residents of
Christian Home. Social engagement, volun-
teerism and participation in a variety of ini-
tiatives is not only encouraged, but empha-
sized. As Phillippe says, “Many residents tell
us they have become more active and more
engaged in a way that they never expected ...
they say the friends they have made and the
lifestyle of our communities is what they ap-
preciate most.”
Honoring God through the providing of
Christian-based services for seniors does not
allow for compromises on quality, nor cessa-
tion in wanting opportunity to serve more.
Phillippe says that given the emerging in-
creases in the senior population, Christian
Homes is likely to add new locations to its
family of communities. Christian Homes is
typically attracted to urban areas comprised
by a population of 40,000 to 100,000 peo-
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