Christian Homes - page 4

4 | Christian Homes
but the reward of faith is seeing what is be-
lieved. Today, Christian Home communities
can be seen in ten locations throughout Il-
linois, and five other locations interspersed
among Indiana, Iowa and Missouri. With
options of independent living, assisted living
and skilled nursing, Christian Homes are an
independent, not-for-profit, family of retire-
ment communities offering the full continu-
um of care services for seniors and each con-
tinues to represent a dynamic service mission
and ministry supported by devotees of the
more than 300 churches of the Independent
Christian Church and Churches of Christ.
Representing one of the largest faith-
based, not-for-profit Christian ministries
in the Midwest, Christian Homes collec-
tively have more 1,600 skilled-nursing beds
(all Medicare/Medicaid-certified), 300 As-
sisted Living, 108 supportive-living apart-
ments and more than 700 accommodations
in independent-living apartments and gar-
den homes. Specialized services include ev-
erything from memory care and physical
therapy to respite care and hospice. Yet, to
truly understand what makes the Christian
Homes communities so singular and set-
apart from similar, for-profit, operations, re-
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