CLARK Manufacturing - page 9

Clark Manufacturing | 9
its transition to today was spurred by ad-
vances in CNC machining. In the early 70s,
when advanced systems were finding their
way into the market, Gary Clark invested in
the company’s first CNC tool and quickly
discovered this tool empowered the staff to
produce parts not only more consistently
precise, but also much faster. Clark was soon
taking on more work, more staff and as its
customer base grew so too did the need for
more operating space.
In 2008, at the height of the economic
recession, Clark Manufacturing transitioned
into a new plant with some 60,000 square-
feet of space to accommodate its Mazak
Turning and Machining Centers. Five years
before that move, leadership of Clark Manu-
facturing had also transitioned as Gary Clark
sold the company to four employees: Rob-
ert Milliron, Will McCord, Cameron Fuller
and Brian Walter.
Clark Manufacturing maintains ISO:9001
certification, a quality standard that desig-
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