4 | Clark Manufacturing
Manufacturing has been a supplier of ma-
chined parts vital to industry for almost 40
years and no enterprise enjoys a more solid
reputation in terms of imparting high-toler-
ance product precision and quality. Clark’s
precision, as well as it’s market penetration,
has been largely prompted through its con-
tinual focus on self-improvement, quality
assurance, its investment in the most sophis-
ticated of mechanized resources, and its
commitment to the training (and treating)
of the personnel whose expertise is essential
in the exacting of excellence. As Vice Presi-
dent Cameron Fuller says, “Our people are
not simply operators of machinery ... they
are professional machinists who take great
care, and great pride, in their work as well as
serving our customers.”
Clark Manufacturing Co. was among the
earliest of enterprises to fully capitalize on
the capabilities that have emerged from ad-
vancements in technology andcombined this
to classic techniques in machining. In fact,
Fuller explains that the company has been
furthering a legacy in manufacturing which