CLARK Manufacturing - page 10

10 | Clark Manufacturing
nates high standards and a dedicated quality
management system that defines the best in
industry. Fuller explains how the reliance on
CNC systems has contributed to the quality
and precision of their manufactured parts,
but says such tools also help speed-up manu-
facturing production. This time savings ulti-
mately serves to help Clark save on its oper-
ating costs while helping its customers save
on pricing. In fact, Clark is so thorough in
its internal inspections and monitoring pro-
cesses, many of its customers forego their re-
spective inspection of sourced parts, allow-
ing Clark goods to be more rapidly directed
into their inventory. Complementing Clark’s
capacity to deliver quality is its incredible as-
sortment of more than 2,000 gauges which
aid and assist in the measuring and monitor-
ing all print specifications. Fuller says that all
of the gauges conform to precision bench-
marks endorsed by the National Institute
of Standards and Technology. The company
utilizes GageTrak software to keep track of
calibration schedules. Clark Manufacturing
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