Altius Architecture | 3
Ideas on architecture were once espoused within an esteemed philosophical discourse between Fried-
rich Schiller and Johann Von Goethe. Upon considering that described as “the tone of mind” and
effect produced by quality architecture, the two reportedly agreed that architects are essentially
something more provocative than mere builders; they are conductors of “frozen music.” This anal-
ogy certainly serves to sing of the success at a Canadian firm whose architectural orchestrations are
resulting in a crescendo of recognition.
From his office at Altius Architecture, Gra-
ham Smith reflects back to a little more than
15 years ago when being known as a “mod-
ern” architect was not necessarily something
appreciated, especially amidst the geograph-
ic area of the firm’s headquarters in Toron-
to which he says is dominated by historical
architectural styles. “Modern was seen as a
four-letter word,” says Smith. “Fast forward
a few years and now we’re known for green