Altius Architecture | 11
had vast experience working in construction,
but the transition to a traditional career in
architecture seemed elusive and unnecessary.
The team of students collectively worked on
a few projects when opportunities arose, in-
cluding the restoration of a house purchased
by Smith’s parents. The team ultimately
handled all details of the building and res-
toration process. Along the way, the group
sought to enter some of their work into ar-
chitectural competitions, but needed a name
by which to identify themselves; hence the
moniker “Altius.” In time, this student led
co-op became one of the largest employers of
students at the school. When the time came
to graduate and seek professional opportu-
nities, Smith recalls, “We kind of looked at
each other and said, ‘We’ve got a good thing
going here. Let’s keep it going.” As it was, he
says the team shared similar values and phi-
losophies, solid building experience comple-
mented by current understanding in new
technologies and materials for application in
the process. They started taking on any man-
ner of renovation project, primarily involv-
ing kitchens and bathrooms, and business
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