12 | Altius Architecture
grew. “We’re doing the same things today,
but on a much bigger scale,” says Smith.
Smith says his colleagues share similar
values and philosophies on architecture as
well as the role of the architect in the build-
ing process. As teamwork and collaboration
undergirds so much of their efforts, it is this
which has also contributed to their ability
to secure client relationships in both com-
mercial and residential projects. Smith says,
in many cases, after completing a residen-
tial project, the clients have so appreciated
their talent and teamwork that they are then
asked to take on a renovation or redesign
project involving the client’s business. The
Altius approach is creating homes that are as
aesthetically alluring as they are efficient and
functional, and that enables them to impart
these same qualities to a commercial project,
where businesses not only depend on such
functionality, but demand it.
Such client interactions have contrib-
uted to the sheer range of styles in Altius Ar-
chitect’s current portfolio. The diversity of